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Exam day

What to expect on exam day

The exam for Year 9 entry in 2026 takes place on Saturday 14 June 2025.


Exam day checklist

Please take these items to the exam:

  • Proof of identity (required)
  • Admission ticket (required)
  • Two blue or black pens (required)
  • Bottle of water
  • Snacks for the break

Applications for special arrangements close on Friday 2 May 2025.

On this page

Proof of identity

Candidates must bring photographic identification that:

  • is no more than 18 months old
  • includes a clear photograph.

Examples of appropriate identification

  • student card issued by your child’s current school
  • student travel card
  • class photograph (with your child and their name clearly shown)
  • passport (passport photo must be no more than 18 months old)
  • library card (with photograph)
  • Keypass card
  • a photograph that has been signed and stamped by your child’s current school
  • a certified copy of a photograph that details your child’s name and date of birth.

Admission ticket

You must bring your admission ticket with you to the venue on exam day.

If you do not bring it you will not be allowed to sit your exam.

Admission tickets will be sent:

  • to the designated parents/carers on the successfully completed application form
  • approximately 1 week before the exam
  • through the application portal and to the provided email addresses.

Admission ticket's must be printed and brought to the exam with you. Electronic versions cannot be accepted. 


The exam will be held across multiple venues across Melbourne. All candidates will be allocated a venue to sit the exam. 

Parents and carers will be notified by email two weeks before the exam which venue their child will need to attend. This information will also be available in the application portal.

Venue allocation will be distributed based on the location of your child's school. It will not be negotiable and will not impact the results or your child's selection. 


The exam takes approximately 4 hours to complete.

The exam comprises of a series of tests including multiple choice questions and written tasks:

  • Reasoning – Reading (35 mins)
  • Reasoning – Mathematics (30 mins)
  • Short break (20 mins)
  • General ability – Verbal (30 mins)
  • General ability – Quantitative (30 mins)
  • Short break (5 mins)
  • Writing (40 mins)

Prior to commencing each test, the administrator will go through practice examples with the candidates to ensure they have an understanding of what to expect.

Students are permitted to ask questions and seek clarification if unsure of a task, this may add to the administration process ahead of each exam component. Please be aware that this can make the exam run over time. In the interest of fairness to all candidates, it is important to offer a clear and transparent exam process. Therefore please be patient while waiting for your child’s exam to finish.

An illustration of a timer representing the 3.5 hours to complete the exam

4 hours to complete the test

Unable to attend due to illness or misadventure

If your child is unwell on Saturday 14 June 2025 they should not attend the examination.

You can apply for your child to sit the examination on a designated alternative date by:

  • completing the Illness/Misadventure Form
  • photographing or scanning the required supporting evidence
  • uploading the form and supporting evidence to the application portal by Tuesday 17 June 2025. Requests made after this date will not be considered.

Common questions

If your child is affected by illness or misadventure (e.g. injury or personal trauma) during or at the examination on Saturday 14 June 2025, and their performance may have been affected, parents/carers may apply for their child to re-sit the examination.

If the application is approved, your child will be eligible to re-sit the examination on a designated alternative date.

To access the illness / misadventure application form within the application portal, log in to your account and select the ‘Illness/Misadventure’ tab from the left-hand menu. Follow instructions for downloading the application form and uploading your completed application and supporting evidence.

How to apply 

Prohibited items

There are certain items that are not allowed near candidates during the exam, these are:

  • mobile phones
  • smart watches
  • calculators
  • translation devices or dictionaries
  • headphones
  • audio or recording devices of any kind

All prohibited items must be left where instructed, with electronic devices switched off and out of reach while candidates sit the exam.

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